Welcome to Mark's blog for Capture The Flag (CTF) enthusiasts

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

CONAN ZHANG — Temasek Polytechnic, Case Zero Development, "pepehands"

Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
Hi all, I am Conan, an IT professional who manages to pursue my interest in Cybersecurity and stay nerdy all my life :> .

As the CEO and Founder of Case Zero Development, Singapore, we seek to empower technology advancement and inclusiveness in Singapore and have supported youth development and entrepreneurship since 2022.

My team's name is pepehands, and our favourite category is Forensics, as it relates to our course of study and it triggers our problem-solving skills

Recent CTF I have participated in: GovTech's Stack The Flag.

How did you find out about the CTF community?
I learnt about CTF through Jia Jian, one of my students in the Youth Cyber Exploration Program (YCEP). He brought me to the Cyber Youth Singapore Cyber Bootcamp, and I grew interested.

Describe your dream CTF event.
My dream CTF event would be a venue where that every group/individual has an isolated room of their own, and when the final result is announced, everyone will walk back with a prize they can be proud of, as enduring throughout a long duration can be mentally demanding.

They can include workshops in the middle of the events for players struggling to make it a fair event for everyone.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
Everyone has a skill set that is hidden within themselves but has yet to be unleased; hence, my humble advice would be to go for it and not be discouraged.

Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
Uncovering your hidden talents.

How can people find out more about your CTF activities?