Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
Hi! My name is Gabriel and I'm currently studying in Nanyang Polytechnic and doing my internship at GovTech. I usually join CTFs under the team name "dad" and I enjoy web exploitation challenges the most. I recently took part in PwC's Hackaday CTF and placed 2nd in Singapore, and I supported and created challenges for GovTech's Stack The Flags CTF.
How did you find out about the CTF community?
I discovered CTFs through Nanyang Polytechnic's Youth Cyber Exploration Programme in 2019 and it was just a decision to try something new, especially at the secondary school level at that time.
Describe your dream CTF event.
I'd like a physical CTF that occurs over 2 days where all teams attack similar vulnerable environments in a race to reach the end, with some jeopardy challenges on the side, and it would be best to have cash prizes :)
I'd like a physical CTF that occurs over 2 days where all teams attack similar vulnerable environments in a race to reach the end, with some jeopardy challenges on the side, and it would be best to have cash prizes :)
What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
Just keep trying different CTFs and categories to maximize learning, take note of tools from writeups and videos and create strategies that might help.
Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
How can people find out more about your CTF activities?
Website: https://www.gabrielseet.com/