Welcome to Mark's blog for Capture The Flag (CTF) enthusiasts

Monday, January 9, 2023

EDWIN CHUA — Nanyang Polytechnic, Cybersecurity Agency Singapore, "dad", "die_trying"

Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
My name is Edwin, I'm currently studying in Nanyang Polytechnic, and doing my internship in Cybersecurity Agency Singapore. I participate in CTF under the team "dad" and "die_trying". My favourite CTF category will be Cloud and Boot2Root. I recently took part in PwC Hackaday and SINCON 2023 CTF and placed 3rd and 2nd respectively.

How did you find out about the CTF community?
I joined my first CTF in 2020, a beginner level CTF organised by NYP InfoSec, the cybersecurity interest group in Nanyang Polytechnic. Since then I got hooked into the gamified way to learn and work with technologies and systems.

Describe your dream CTF event.
A physical jeapordy or attack defense CTFs, with free food and drinks (flashback to HITB SECCON 2022). Attractive prizes will be a huge bonus!

What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
TryHackMe is a great starting point if you are new to Cybersecurity/CTFs, then start joining CTFs on CTFtime.

Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
Having fun and learning something new!

How can people find out more about your CTF activities?