Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
Hi! I'm Joshua, and I go by the alias Incognito online! I am currently interning under the Cybersecurity Division of CSIT. I play under many CTF Teams, most notably Social Engineering Experts (SEE), as well as under my school team RafflesCiTyF / Milk (we've kept changing our team name haha). I mainly do Cryptography following my interest in Math since young, but I'm looking to explore other categories as well. I recently took part in Stack the Flags 2022 under the team name Lorem Ipsum (we changed it again, yes), where we attained 4th placing in the Junior College Category.
How did you find out about the CTF community?
My very first CTF was the Sieberrsec CTF held annually by Hwa Chong Institution's Infocomm and Robotics Society (IRS). From there, I connected and talked to people in the community and gradually started learning and picking up new abilities!
Describe your dream CTF event.
I think a great CTF event would be a face-to-face 12-hour Jeopardy-style CTF competition spanning a good variety of challenges that are not "cheesable" or "guessy" (both easy and difficult, but split by a ratio of 1:4), with reliable challenge support providing participants useful assistance throughout the CTF. Good food, snacks, drinks and an internet connection would also be really great, and for the prizes - Cash prizes which are split by one's age group or category (e.g. JC/Poly). Potentially could also follow Hack&Roll's style of including some Fringe Games or Workshops, but I don't think those are deal-breakers.
I think a great CTF event would be a face-to-face 12-hour Jeopardy-style CTF competition spanning a good variety of challenges that are not "cheesable" or "guessy" (both easy and difficult, but split by a ratio of 1:4), with reliable challenge support providing participants useful assistance throughout the CTF. Good food, snacks, drinks and an internet connection would also be really great, and for the prizes - Cash prizes which are split by one's age group or category (e.g. JC/Poly). Potentially could also follow Hack&Roll's style of including some Fringe Games or Workshops, but I don't think those are deal-breakers.
What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
The only way to really get better in CTFs is to try and learn. Try the challenges, and read the writeups to learn. Theory can only get you so far.
A good resource would be picoCTF, assuming you have gotten your basic Python Programming knowledge down already.
Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
Trying harder.
How can people find out more about your CTF activities?
Website: sg-incognito.github.io
CTFTime: https://ctftime.org/user/99045