Welcome to Mark's blog for Capture The Flag (CTF) enthusiasts

Thursday, September 7, 2023

JOAQUÍN IGLESIAS — Infosec United, Pwnverse

Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
Yo! I'm Joaquín Iglesias, founder of Infosec United & Pwnverse. My favourite challenge categories are Cryptography & OSINT. My CTF team is called Pwnverse Crew. I currently don't play on the team, I'm just the owner of the community that gives them a home to play the CTFs. Those guys rock BTW. I'm currently working on The Last Hunter Standing, chapters 1 & 2. It is a story driven OSINT & crypto CTF that will be ready on Halloween. Also working on the OSINT CUP by Pwnverse, and a quantum computing CTF.

I'm the proud owner of Pwn Heaven a 100000% FREE cybersecurity training platform. We are currently working on making it more of a jeopardy style platform, instead of just the good old way of a story driven CTF.

How did you find out about the CTF community?
I learned about the CTF platforms and I dared to start playing them on TryHackMe, but now, I'm a 100% focused on hackrocks. That platform has hooked me since 2021.

Describe your dream CTF event.
Owww man! this is a tricky one. Well, a full stadium, with lots of people there watching the 32 teams competing with each other, the stadium full of energy drinks provided by my favorite brand (Monster Energy), drift cars and car meet ups on the outside, and after that, pizza, beers and burgers trucks. 3 days of action with workshops, and conferences too.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
The resources I would recommend are Cybertactix, a free cybersecurity training platform. hackrocks is one I recommend a 100% too.

Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
Teamwork and learning while you move.

How can people find out more about your CTF activities?