Welcome to Mark's blog for Capture The Flag (CTF) enthusiasts

Thursday, October 19, 2023

MOHAMMED SOUFIANE — Hacktoria, Permutation City, pwnverse crew, Cipher Blitz


Welcome! Please introduce yourself.
Hey, my name is Mohammed Soufiane and I go by the alias souf6x online. I'm currently studying for my master degree in networking. I have been in many teams: Hacktoria, Permutation City, pwnverse crew, and currently I created a team named Cipher Blitz. My main focus is OSINT and Forensics, but I like to try all other categories when I have the time to, and to interact with, learn from, and help my teammates.

How did you find out about the CTF community?
Actually I found out about CTFs through a post online. I was searching about practicing and learning cybersecurity and came around a post talking about tryhackme, ctftime, pico ctf and others. So I decided to try an event. My first event was participating in ASIC CTF alone. It was bad choice for my first CTF but I learned a lot throught writeups and decided join a team after that.

Describe your dream CTF event.
Oh bruh, that's a really hard question. I think my dream CTF event would be a physical Jeopardy-style CTFwhere there are 50 teams all around the world, including challenges for beginners, intermediate and hard level players. Of course, food and conferences and workshops where they try to explain some challenges or topics for beginners. And also conferences with top hackers talking about different hacking techniques. The event would be 2 days long with prizes for everyone

What advice would you give to someone looking to get started with CTFs?
Best advice I would give it to people is just start and practice, practice, practice. About recommended resources, I would recommend try challenges in pico gym. If you are interested in crypto, I would recommend cryptohack. For pwn, pwn.college and list goes on. Also, join different communities in the field, interact with people, ask questions, and keep yourself updated of everything. If possible also read different writeups.

Complete this sentence: "CTFs are all about..."
Team work, Having fun, and learning.

How can people find out more about your CTF activities?